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January 28, 2025

Beyond Alignment: The Foundation of High-Performance Teams

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Alignment is fundamental to execution excellence, and it creates the conditions for teams to thrive.
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January 28, 2025

Russ Lange


A fervent believer in the promise of human powered growth, Russ leads CMG in partnering with companies to help them become aligned, agile, customer-driven enterprises that unleash the potential of their organizations with sustainable improvements in focus, teams, culture, and process our clients.

About The Author

Mark Chinn


Mark leads CMG in partnering with Telecom companies to help them increase customers and accelerate revenue. His 25+ years of experience in growth, strategy and execution includes B2C and B2B multi-channel acquisition programs, customer experiences that surprise and delight, pricing that optimizes customer value, and innovative product development.

Blog by Gary Lancina

"Alignment is like flour in a birthday cake," observed one of our senior consultants recently. "It doesn't guarantee the cake will be good, but you can't bake one without it." This analogy captures a critical insight about organizational alignment: while it's not sufficient for success on its own, it's absolutely necessary for any high-performing team.

In our recent articles, we've explored how misalignment kills success and how exposing gaps of opportunity can transform organizations. Now, let's examine why alignment is fundamental to execution excellence and how it creates the conditions for teams to thrive.

The Power of Mutual Accountability

When teams achieve genuine alignment, something remarkable happens: commitment transforms into mutual accountability. We've observed this repeatedly across organizations—when teams collectively define and explicitly commit to their objectives, the nature of their interactions fundamentally shifts. Instead of debating what to do, they focus on how to help each other succeed. Rather than defending positions, they solve problems together.

Consider a product development team we recently worked with. After establishing clear alignment on their goals, they instituted daily leadership stand-ups focused not on status updates but on how they were advancing their shared objectives. Team members began challenging activities that didn't align with their goals and proactively offered help across functional boundaries. This wasn't just alignment on paperit was alignment in action.

From Obligation to Mission

Perhaps one of the most powerful effects of true alignment is how it transforms work from obligation to mission. When teams explicitly commit to shared objectives, they develop what we call "resilient momentum"—the ability to maintain enthusiasm and progress even when facing obstacles.

This isn't about feel-good team building. It's about creating the conditions where teams can execute more effectively and efficiently. When everyone understands and commits to the same objectives, decisions become clearer, coordination becomes smoother, and teams become more adaptable.

Making It Real

However, as one of our program leads emphasizes, "Real commitment isn't just sitting in a room and saying we agree to this one thing—it's living it in your behaviors and actions every single day." This is where tools like CMG's ThriveNumber™ become valuable, helping teams not only identify misalignments but also create the concrete mechanisms for maintaining and measuring alignment over time.

The Path Forward

Like most fundamental ingredients, alignment's importance becomes most apparent in its absence. Can organizations succeed without strong alignment? Yes, just as skilled bakers can create flourless cakes. But the execution becomes more challenging, requiring precise coordination and leaving little room for error. Misaligned teams expend more energy, face greater friction, and find themselves more vulnerable to market shifts and operational challenges.

As you consider your organization's strategic initiatives for 2025, ask yourself

  • Have we moved beyond superficial agreement to genuine alignment?
  • Are our teams demonstrating mutual accountability?
  • Have we created the conditions for trust-based execution?

Because in today's complex business environment, the difference between success and failure often isn't in the strategy itself—it's in how well your teams align to execute it.